2025 PM - Leather Earring Making - PM
Cost: $25
Class size: 25
Location: TBD
Instructor: Jeena Breunig
Join Jeena from Valley of the Camps and make two pairs of trendy fun leather earrings. Jeena will teach you how to use the presses to cut the leather and show you how to assemble your earring pieces with jump rings and to the earring hooks.
Cost: $25
Class size: 25
Location: TBD
Instructor: Jeena Breunig
Join Jeena from Valley of the Camps and make two pairs of trendy fun leather earrings. Jeena will teach you how to use the presses to cut the leather and show you how to assemble your earring pieces with jump rings and to the earring hooks.
Cost: $25
Class size: 25
Location: TBD
Instructor: Jeena Breunig
Join Jeena from Valley of the Camps and make two pairs of trendy fun leather earrings. Jeena will teach you how to use the presses to cut the leather and show you how to assemble your earring pieces with jump rings and to the earring hooks.